Domain For Sale

Domain Price: 10,000 ILS

Are you interested in the domain? Email us at [email protected] or leave your info below and we will be happy to help

The process of buying domain on the site

Below you can learn how you can buy a domain on the site with 4 simple steps. If you having hard time understanding you can also fill the contact form above with your questions and we will be more than happy to help.

העברת דומיין ובעלות דומיין לרוכש

Contact Us

The first step in the process of purchasing a domain on the site is to contact us. Simply fill the contact form at the top of the page with your correct email and we will take it from there.

רכישת דומיין ותשלום

Buying Domain

After a brief explanation on how the process work and how you can buy and get the domain from us all that will be left will be left for you is to make the payment (for now we accept PayPal).

העברת דומיין ובעלות דומיין לרוכש

Domain Transfer + Ownership

Once the payment received we will transfer the domain + ownership transfer forms. The process of transferring ownership to the domain comes at an additional cost to the domains company.

סיום עסקת רכישה לדומיין

Done Deal

Once the domain is in your account and after you have completed the process of transferring ownership to the domain all that will be left to do is to start using the domain for your site.